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Change Password

  1. Login to your webmail account with your full email address and password. (Additional Information)
    • Note: The URL to access your webmail account is typically "pop." followed by your domain name. For example, if your website is "http://www.samplesite.com," then you would login to your webmail account at "http://pop.samplesite.com." Alternatively, you may login at "http://pop.speartek.com."
  2. Once logged in, hover over the person icon located in the top right corner and select Options.
  3. On the Options popup window, click the blue Change Password button on the Accounts tab.
  4. In the Password Change popup, enter the old password and new password in the Old Password, New Password and Confirm Password fields.
  5. Click OK
  6. Click OK to close the Options window.

If you use an email client (such as Outlook) to download messages for this email account from Speartek's mail server, you will need to update that client's stored password to match the new account password. See the Mail Client Setup section for help modifying your mail client's account settings.

751 James P.  Brawley Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30318 | phone: 1-866-249-9212 | fax: 1-770-454-0055

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